Saturday, March 28, 2009

With Chris and Shane's presentation on Thursday, the topic of 'terrorist preventative' designs for buildings came into topic. The example of the Windsor CAS building was a good example of this, concidering they have had several disgruntled drivers attempt the destruction of CAS property. the image at:
In this particular case, landscaping has helped take preventative measures against further damage of their property, clever.
You guys also discussed how borders control the inflow and outflow of people through funnels, pipes, folds and enclosures. It is interesting to conciser how these methods are used for other spaces such as stadiums, airports and even shopping centres. It seems as though we are being hearded through spaces like cattle.
Mike Davis evaluates some clever methods used to prevent certain behaviour in spaces, such as the 'bum bench' in L.A. Have you ever concidered the similarities between these designs of controlling human behaviour and methods used for controlling animal behaviour? Example: a common way for companies to prevent birds from settling on their signs and buildings nests is to place spikes on top of the signs. This prevents the birds from resting where they are not intended to rest. This has a similar intent as the 'bum bench'- the curved bench designed to prevent homeless people from sleeping on them in parks.
Are we ushered like heards in and out of spaces? It seams we are increasingly being directed where to enter and exit and told where we can and can't sit.

Lindsay Whalen

1 comment:

  1. I agree, that as human beings, we are directed in and out of specific areas. When you think about how on a daily basis how borders and different spaces affect our lives, it makes you wonder what the distant future will be like. I don't really think to much about how space affects my life because I have become so accustomed to my environment.


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