Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Windsor Riverfront

I know this picture is old, but I have a serious problem with it. My problem is that the Casino is the largest visible property in ALL of Windsor. I know it's meant to draw Americans to our side of the river, but it just makes our city look bad because the casino is just so prominent. It makes it seem as if there is nothing is worthwhile here, while in fact that it over shadows various other wonderful buildings and monuments in Windsor.

Although it brings in a lot of revenue for the city, the casino's infrastructure does not do the city aesthetic justice.

That's just how I feel.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that in this picture that the casino is prominant on the Windsor skyline. The fact is that people will visit Windsor for the casino experience. Casinos bring in lots of money and play a major role in community funds. I do see how the casino is taking away from other parts of Windsor. Windsor has some wonderful things and places to visit. It depends on how community economics shape the overall structure of the city. In Windsor, there are different communities to visit, different cultures to learn about, and small businesses to shop at. I was thinking about the Wyndotte trip at the beginning of the semester. There are various small areas of Windsor, where there is so much history that I don't even know about. In my opinion, Windsor has alot to offer than just the casino.


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