You know you have lived in Windsor a long time when . . . .
- you remember when the age of majority dropped to 18 in Ontario and all of a sudden Detroit students thought Windsor was cool.
- your first concert was at Olympia Stadium or Ford Auditorium (Cobo Hall) or Pine Knob
- you remember hockey at Olympia Stadium
- your grade school field trips included the DIA and the Detroit Zoo
- BOBLO was heaven
- the Freedom Festival had activities on both waterfronts
- Belle Isle is a beautiful place in your memory
- you had to wait until 9pm for the CBC to broadcast the Maple Leafs game if the Red Winds were playing in town
- the Big 8 ruled music on both sides of the border
- you attended Windsor night (usually Monday's) at Tiger Stadium
- the Elmwood Casino & Night Club was advertised as being in Detroit

- your grade 8 prom dress came from either Woolco in Windsor or Kresge's in Detroit
- you remember stubby beer bottles in Windsor and 32oz. pours in Detroit
- Better Made potatoe chips and Stroh's ice cream were sold in Windsor
- you remember that Channel 9 was the only Canadian station and 'Bill Kennedy at the Movies' was the only thing on during the day if you were at home sick.
- Oakland Mall was better than Devonshire Mall
- you knew who Rita Bell, Bozo the Clown and Sonny Elliot were
- Lafayette Coney Islands - need I say more!
- everyone had American currency at home (for that quick trip across the border)
- the BOBLO Boat (actually two of them) docked in Windsor and Detroit
- the Detroit News and Detroit Free Press were delivered on Sunday's
- when the 'Top Of The Flame' building changed it's lights to correspond to the season or holiday.
- the Red Wings played an exhibition game every year at Windsor Arena
- walking down Woodward Avenue at Christmas was a truly special event and a wonderful sight to behold

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