Motor Show
For the last ten years Ingo Vetter has visited Detroit regularly to take extended photo series. MOTOR SHOW brings together a number of these series, from the early "Detroit Industry - Jax Carwash", realized in 2000, to the brand new "Resource and Nostalgia".
Detroit is shaped by the automobile and its industry, and mobility seems to be the keyword for this city. The car has come to represent everything from progress and desire to climate change and urban collapse. It is omnipresent but has lost its progressive potential. Instead, mobility is symbolized by people overcoming obstacles.
In 2005 Ingo Vetter, Annette Weisser and Mitch Cope founded the Detroit Tree of Heaven Woodshop, which works exclusively with wood processed from the Tree of Heaven, a resource unfailing in Detroit. Also known as ghetto palm, this plant (lat. Ailanthus altissima) populates abandoned lots and deserted factory sites all over Detroit. The Woodshop is set up as a loosely organized network of local specialists and develops art works and commissions for international art institutions. All frames, as well as other sculptural works in the exhibition, were specially produced by the Detroit Tree of Heaven Woodshop.
The exhibition is realized in collaboration with IASPIS and Umeå Academy of Fine Arts.
Umeå university
901 87 Umeå
+46 (0)90 - 786 52 27